"If he beats you, he loves you!" This has been a centuries old saying by the Ukrainian/Russian people. Sadly, while ministering in June of 2006 in the Ukraine we witnessed the affects of this generational curse etched deeply within the eyes of the women who gathered at the three day conference held at 'Hope Center' to listen to us share about the Father's love. Many of them would just weep and weep at the feet of Jesus as we shared with them how much their Father in heaven cares and loves them. But it was so good to see their tears of sorrow turn to laughter before our time with them was over.
My heart was pierced by the story of a young woman named Tanya that lived at the center. She caught your eye right away, not because she was exceptionally beautiful or outgoing but because of what she wasn't, she didn't seem to be sure of who she was. She dressed masculine and though she would never be confused for a man her mannerisms would have you wonder at times.
On one of the days we were asked to prophesy over several of the staff and Tanya. It turned out to be one of the most powerful times we had with the ladies. The power was seen in the eyes of those who received the words and the immediate transformation we witnessed within them which continued to hold firm during the days that followed. Such a difference a word can make when it comes from the heart of the Father and is received into an open and hungry heart.
Later after we prophesied over Tanya we were told her story. We learned that Tanya's mother had abandoned her in a garbage dump after she was born. She was found and taken to an orphanage where she was adopted by a couple that wanted a child but couldn't because they themselves were barren. Right after the adoption the couple conceived and when the baby was born they had no need of Tanya so they took her back to the orphanage. In the years that followed she led a life of abuse, both physically and emotionally. When you life a life of never being good enough to be loved you try to be everything to everyone and in the process you lose sight of who God made you to be. Not good enough for her mother, maybe if she would have been a boy her mother would have loved her, maybe.... maybe....a life lived in confusion of 'who must I be to be loved!'
We didn't know these things as we gathered around Tanya to pray for her and it is good we didn't. We asked for the Holy Spirit's leading and each one of us in turn received words that touched on areas of her life that brought life back into her. The transformation was incredible to behold as we saw new life come not only into her eyes but it changed her mannerisms as well. I know the women at the center have spoken into her life before but now it was like the lights had been turned on and the revelation came along with the ability for her to comprehend. You could see that she 'knew that she knew' that she was not a mistake and that she was loved for who she was. In the days that followed we saw the feminine side of her come forth and it was good to behold.
This shelter could have hundreds if not thousands of women inside its walls if they would open up the doors but the sad part is that there is just not enough room to house them all. In Moscow alone, a city of 12 million, you cannot find a single women's shelter. This just highlights a very crucial ministry that Patricia Schroeder and her friends have given their lives to be apart of. Matt 10:42, "And whoever gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is My disciple, surely I declare to you, he shall not lose his reward."
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