Thursday, October 13, 2011


                                        OUTPOURING IN GERMANY!
Volume 9 - Issue 111                                                                                                   October - 2011
             As we flew into Dusseldorf, Germany this past month we both were anticipating our trip into Germany, which is actually the place of Rex's heritage from both his mother and father.  This was our first opportunity to minister in Germany and we were in for an amazing time. It was both a blessing and an honor to be invited to be a part of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this church in the neighboring town of Duisburg.

                From experience I have come to know that a true outpouring of the Holy Spirit is present when you see that the youth are on fire.   Immediately as we entered the doors we witnessed the youth worshiping and loving His presence in complete abandonment !  There was so much joy, laughter and love between the people and it was obvious that they were hungry for more of Him!

                What beautiful music this was to our ears!  As I watched these youth worship I was taken back to the stories I read of Evan Roberts and how he had a youth band travel with him bringing high praise and worship before he spoke throughout Wales and the amazing revival that began which changed his nation and quickly spread around the world. There was that kind of atmosphere in this gathering of people in Germany. Which manifested itself in the tangible presence of our living God that loves with an unending and intimate love. I could sense it with all of my being and I was quickly taken into His presence.  That is the place every heart was made for, to be in that place of intimate communion, being totally captured by Him.   Once you have been captured by Him you will always seek to be with Him in that place of total acceptance and grace for it is the only place our hearts can find true rest. This is the place of Heavenly Bliss here on earth.

                We taught, preached, prayed, and imparted throughout the 6 days we were with them.  We were so delighted to have been there and gave what we believe the Lord had for us to give in this season.  I imagine if you asked them what was most notable it would be the last message where Rex ended his preaching with the personal stories about his German grandfather and his own father.  Many were touched and weeping on the floor as the Lord healed their hearts and delivered several from unforgiveness or disappointments they had toward their earthly fathers.  There were so many that were overcome with the heavenly Father’s love, as the Holy Spirit revealed His true nature to them, that it was awesome to witness the transformation that took place within their hearts. He is so good!

                One of the things we enjoyed the most about being there ourselves, second to the presence of God in this place, was the true family atmosphere we experienced with them.  Every day we ate together in one of the churches families home next to the church, as well as in Pastor Martin and Heike’s home.  We “broke bread” with them every day as we got to know one another better, it was just as one would imagined it to be during the days of the early church.

                 It really is hard to have that same kind of fellowship when you go into an American Restaurant where you can hardly hear each other above the noise and you know hardly a soul. Rex told our daughter’s I loved it so much that I was ready to move there after we got home.  But then I love that kind of fellowship! Food, conversation, laughter, love and all of it surrounded by families comprised of all ages of people! I think that is part of what we were made for! Not to impress anyone but to just be ourselves and enjoy each other, living together in His love and unity! And yes I think that includes food in every culture! And the German people, their culture and food were wonderful! Yeah God!

                Again I want to say how honoring it is to go and be used of Him in such a place and in such a time as this! May He go out from that place and spread throughout Europe bringing another Awakening of the Fire of His love and changing the fabric of society once again. May He have mercy on us and bring an Awakening no man can stop in this nation and throughout the earth as well! And may He be glorified and worshipped as King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s! For He deserves all Praise and Honor now and Forever!

                This was really a ‘God Trip’, not only for us but as many shared it also was for them as well.  From the first moment we were there we connected with the people in a very powerful way.  The message of the Father that we were privileged to share with them pierced their hearts and brought healing to so many.  It is also very interesting to us that this was the first place we came to minister after our book was published, ‘Our Father’s Heartbeat’.


                You may not realize this but at the heart of the revival we have been apart of called ’The Father’s Blessing’ has at its primary foundation the message of “The Father Heart of God’.  Speakers like Jack Frost, Ed Piorek and James & Denise Jordan are the primary speakers on this subject.  They in turn were powerfully impacted by Jack Winter who was impacted by Major Ian Thomas, a British officer in WWII who was so overwhelmed by the scenes of hopelessness on the faces of the orphaned roaming the streets of Germany after the war, that he began a ministry based on the heart of the Father that still is in operation in Germany. 

                How fitting that we should go to Germany to be used to spread the love of the Father to so many that are crying out for His love and acceptance.  That is why it is so important for each of our partners to realize how integral they are to this ministry and the message it is bringing to not only Germany but around the world.  Pastor Spreer has asked us to come back next spring and speak at a meeting he host every year comprised of pastors from not only Germany but other countries so they may hear the message of the Father’s heart.  He feels that it is time for Germany and neighboring countries to be impacted by this message.  What an opportunity!

                That is why we need our friends who have witnessed our heart to pray and consider coming alongside of us and financially partner with us to go and minister in these churches.  The harvest is at hand. 

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful to read of your trip to Germany. Especially with your connection with Germany on so many levels. Loved to read of God's presence there and ministry. I also loved to read of the community there. Eating with families. What life is about. What communion is about. Totally agree with your comments.
    Be blessed
