Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Battle of Wills

The Road Leading to the Gate is called: Not Your Will But Mine Be Done!

                 I believe that 2013  will become a pivotal year for many of us.  Pivotal because God’s grace is present for each one of us to experience a significant breakthrough in our lives.  I am sensing in my spirit that God is bringing three areas of our lives into their proper alignment so that we will experience the greatest victory we have had since our conversion.

I once thought that Satan’s primary focus was over my mind and emotions and if I could only win or at least keep him at bay in those two areas the rest of my Christian life would be pretty much all right.  But as important as those two areas are the primary battle is over ‘my will’.  It is my will that keeps me from being in God’s will.  The will of God is the center of all that is good and right, and is not dependent on the circumstances that life brings my way.

This year we will find ourselves battling against not so much the kingdom of Satan but the kingdom of our own will.  Satan has always done everything in his power to keep us from realizing that the victory we seek is found within.  There is an enemy within the gates in 2013 and that enemy is our own will.  If you are like me, and I believe you are, the one thing in life you desire is to live a full and productive life.  The acquiring of that life is only found in the will of the Father.
            The battle of the ‘mind’ is great, the battle for the ‘emotion’ is greater, but the battle of the ‘will’ is decisive.  The worth of a man’s character is the worth of his will.  The worth of a man’s religion is determined by how much it controls his will.  We have all traveled a long and dusty road called; “Not your will but mine be done!”   But it is time to shake off the dust for we are entering through the gate of the Father’s Will.

The Sign on the Gate says: Not My Will But Yours Be Done!

Are we willing to surrender ourselves absolutely into His hands?  Here are six points that are important for us to understand if we are to pass through the open gate.

1. The battle of the mind!  Many Christians believe that the key to living the Christian life is solely found in right thinking!  That if we could only understand the truths found in God’s word then our character and experience would be correct and very blessed.  If all our i’s were dotted; and every t  crossed then our comprehension of the doctrines found within the pages of the Bible would produce within us much fruit, but often that is not the case.  Having an accurate understanding of Biblical truths is crucial and very important to finding God’s will.  But from my own personal experience knowing right from wrong does not always mean I will always do what is right. The battle of the mind is great and one we need to win but it is not where the decisive victory is won.  Romans 12:2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  NIV
2. The battle of the emotions!  Others believe that the key is in right feelings.  Their test of rightness is centered on how they feel.  When they are happy and full of joy, and the birds are singing and the sun is shining then they can reflect on the goodness of God and sing of His greatness.  But when their emotions are turned gray by the occasional passing cloud and the quietness of the once singing birds, they begin to question their spiritual condition, even their own salvation.  We need something more reliable than an experience, which may be disturbed by a cloudy day or a brisk wind in our face.  It is good to sing of the goodness of God on a bright and cheerful day but even more so during times of adversity.  Ephesians 5:15-17, “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.” Amplified Bible

3. The battle of the will!  This is the place where the battle is decisive and the reason is clear.  Contentment is not found in the sum total of what we know or how we feel during some special moment or season of our life.  We are what wewill’ because the ‘will’ is the true expression of ourselves.  Our will is the resolve and intention of the soul, expressing itself in the decisions and actions of the life.  God does not complain of us if we are dull and stupid; or if our emotions are happy all the time; or that we are not swifter and stronger in our obedience, but whether we are willing.  During the most crucial time in the life of Jesus we find him saying in Mathew 26:39, “And going a little farther, He threw Himself upon the ground on His face and prayed saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire.” 

4. Our Will must become His Will!  God does will in us to do His own good pleasure, we need to put our will on God’s side in everything, and leave to Him the responsibility of fulfilling His will in us, and through us.  Even the question of our salvation hinges on our willingness to be saved.  If that is assured, then the transformation has already begun.  Your attitude towards Christ is determined, not by your feelings, but by your steadfast desire and will.  We must will God’s will.  Telling Him that we are willing to be made willing to have His will.  Bringing our will to Him, as a piece of cold steel; and ask Him to renew it and soften it, and mold it into perfect oneness with His own.  Psalm 143:10, “Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; let Your good Spirit lead me into a level country and into the land of uprightness.”
5. Life is like a box of chocolates! Not all things that come to us are, in themselves, good.  It was not good for Joseph to be hated by his brothers, put in a pit, sold into Egypt, lied on by a wicked woman and then cast into prison.  No, these things were not good; but Joseph maintained a right attitude toward his trials.  Our attitude will make us or break us.  If we are the Lord’s and true, we may rest assured that He will work all that comes for His glory.  Whatever comes, comes by His permission or direction.  He either sends it or permits it.  Whatever He sends or permits, He could prevent.  Since He does not prevent it, we may rest assured that He will, ultimately, work it for His glory and our good. 1 Peter 4:19, “So, then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.”  NIV
6. When the struggle comes!  When the trials come and we begin to lose heart we must learn to trust God to deal with them.  We cannot master the trials only God can master them so we must learn to lean not on our own understanding but in everything trust in Him.  If we yield our will to God and persevere, we will find that a wonderful change will come over us and we truly will be ones that conform to His image.  Philippians 2:12-15, “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,” NKJV

     Are not some now saying, there is mischief within me; it is always the self-life, and
self-comfort, and self-consciousness, and self-pleasing, and self-seeking, and self-trusting,
and self-will; how am I to get rid of it?  The answer is, it is Christ Jesus who can rid you of it; none else but Jesus can give deliverance from the power of self.  And what does He ask you to do?  He asks that you should humble yourself before Him and give yourself to him in absolute surrender.  

The Road on the Other Side of the Gate is called, “Contentment in Any and All Situations” 

May you know and live in His perfect will and peace in this New Year.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hope Center, outside Kiev, Ukraine

     "If he beats you, he loves you!"  This has been a centuries old saying by the Ukrainian/Russian people.  Sadly, while ministering in June of 2006 in the Ukraine we witnessed the affects of this generational curse etched deeply within the eyes of the women who gathered at the three day conference held at 'Hope Center' to listen to us share about the Father's love.  Many of them would just weep and weep at the feet of Jesus as we shared with them how much their Father in heaven cares and loves them.  But it was so good to see their tears of sorrow turn to laughter before our time with them was over.

     My heart was pierced by the story of a young woman named Tanya that lived at the center.  She caught your eye right away, not because she was exceptionally beautiful or outgoing but because of what she wasn't, she didn't seem to be sure of who she was.  She dressed masculine and though she would never be confused for a man her mannerisms would have you wonder at times.

     On one of the days we were asked to prophesy over several of the staff and Tanya.  It turned out to be one of the most powerful times we had with the ladies.  The power was seen in the eyes of those who received the words and the immediate transformation we witnessed within them which continued to hold firm during the days that followed.  Such a difference a word can make when it comes from the heart of the Father and is received into an open and hungry heart. 

     Later after we prophesied over Tanya we were told her story.  We learned that Tanya's mother had abandoned her in a garbage dump after she was born.  She was found and taken to an orphanage where she was adopted by a couple that wanted a child but couldn't because they themselves were barren.  Right after the adoption the couple conceived and when the baby was born they had no need of Tanya so they took her back to the orphanage.  In the years that followed she led a life of abuse, both physically and emotionally.  When you life a life of never being good enough to be loved you try to be everything to everyone and in the process you lose sight of who God made you to be.  Not good enough for her mother, maybe if she would have been a boy her mother would have loved her, maybe.... maybe....a life lived in confusion of 'who must I be to be loved!'

     We didn't know these things as we gathered around Tanya to pray for her and it is good we didn't.  We asked for the Holy Spirit's leading and each one of us in turn received words that touched on areas of her life that brought life back into her.  The transformation was incredible to behold as we saw new life come not only into her eyes but it changed her mannerisms as well.  I know the women at the center have spoken into her life before but now it was like the lights had been turned on and the revelation came along with the ability for her to comprehend.  You could see that she 'knew that she knew' that she was not a mistake and that she was loved for who she was.  In the days that followed we saw the feminine side of her come forth and it was good to behold.

     This shelter could have hundreds if not thousands of women inside its walls if they would open up the doors but the sad part is that there is just not enough room to house them all.  In Moscow alone, a city of 12 million, you cannot find a single women's shelter.  This just highlights a very crucial ministry that Patricia Schroeder and her friends have given their lives to be apart of.  Matt 10:42, "And whoever gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is My disciple, surely I declare to you, he shall not lose his reward."