Monday, December 13, 2010

Part II, Father’s in alarming numbers, MIA “Missing In Action”

Volume 8 - Issue 99                                                                                                  October, 2010
Dear Friend,            
Part Two - Father’s in alarming  numbers, MIA “Missing In Action”

    In October’s Newsletter I wrote about Satan’s war on Fatherhood and the subsequent results of that war.  Secular sociologists have pointed to the 20th century as being the “most fatherless century in the history of mankind.”

    Satan’s hatred of Father God and his family has not decreased.  It is quite apparent that as Satan’s time grows short, he is intensifying his efforts to kill, maim and render useless all fathers.   This assault on “fatherhood” has left millions of men as “Missing In Action” when it comes to submitting to God as head of the family.  Statistics show us that 50% of children here in the United States live apart from their biological fathers and 30% do not even know whom their biological father is.  In South America the figure is close to 50% and in Africa it is closer to 60%.  In the African American community in Washington DC the rates are at par with Africa!  We are in an ultimate war against Satanic terrorism designed to completely annihilate what is most precious to Father God.

Where have all the children gone!

    But if there is an all out assault on father’s what has been the affects of this upon families around the world?  I was shocked the other day when I read that there are 70 countries in the world that are declining in replacement fertility or in other words are losing population!

    Replacement fertility is the number of childbirths a woman must have to replace the aging population.  Right now there is no industrialized nation that produces enough children to sustain its population over time.  If this trend continues, the family unit as we know it will cease to exist, and so will children.  Imagine going out to a restaurant, mall or anywhere for that matter and seeing an aging population like one would currently see in Florida.

    Take for instance Russia.  Russia is shrinking at a rate of 700,000 people per year.  Because of this, then President Putnin, instituted an aggressive agenda where the government would pay its citizens to have more children, $9,000 per child, $140/month or 40% of their salary to stay home and have children.  (That would compare to a working mother in the United States who makes $40,000/year being offered $16,000/year or $1,300/month per child to stay home and raise their children.)  It is surprising that even with this kind of monetary motivation the program is not working in Russia.

    But why wouldn’t this plan work?  Could it be that the complexity of our decisions we have made, especially throughout the past one hundred years, has led us to where we are today.  The mindsets that we have formed that have led us into this, anti-children, anti-family culture are not so easy to reverse.  Often we look at a problem as if it just “happened” and we fail to take the time to investigate the past so that we can uncover Satan’s strategy behind the event.  I have found that Satan is not that inventive,  especially since our life span is minuscule in comparison to his.  He doesn’t have to come up with a new plan when the old ones have worked so well. 

Satan’s Strategy

    Take for instance a quote by Polybius in 140 B.C. at the close of the reign of Greece as the worlds predominate power.  “In our time all Greece was visited by a dearth of children and general decay of population…This evil grew upon us rapidly, and without attracting attention, by our men becoming perverted to a passion for show and money and the pleasures of an idle life.”
    Caesar Augustus said this when he addressed the Roman nobility, “We liberate slaves chiefly for the purpose of making out of them as many citizens as possible; we give our allies a share in the government that our numbers may increase; yet you, Romans of original stock, including Quintii, Valerii, Lulli, are eager that your families and names at once shall perish with you.”

    The same demise that led the two leading nations of their day, Greece and Rome, is now facing our nation and other nations as well.  Germany could easily lose the equivalent of the current population of East Germany over the next half-century.  Japan’s population meanwhile is expected to fall by as much as one-third-a decline equivalent to that experienced in medieval Europe during the scourges of the plague.
Satan’s Plan

    Satan’s plan is to devalue the importance of the traditional family.  If we think about it we have heard endless discussions on the importance of why we should not have children but little on why we should have children.  It is apparent that Satan has succeeded on a global scale.  It is evident on television, movies, books and on the news that the family as a viable productive unit has little or no value in the world today.  A women who says she has no career outside the home in today’s society is to be pitied.   Instead she should be held to the highest place of honor for choosing that which if the closest to the heart of God.

    A hundred years ago in the United States approximately 75% to 80% of all households had children.  Every parent organized their lives around what was best for them.  In fact even the cultural messages that came into the home were based on how it would affect the children.  Currently in the United States approximately 32% of households have children and 68% of households do not have children.  

    Both men and women have fallen into the trap that Satan has laid.  If we remember the two attributes of Satan that stand out is that he is crafty and he is a deceiver. (Gen. 3:1, 3:13) To be crafty means that he is clever at achieving his aims by indirect methods and to be a deceiver means he has the ability to cause someone to believe something that is not true in order to gain a personal advantage.

    Satan has the ability to make something that is ultimately destructive seem good and honorable.  His craftiness enables him to know when, where and how to attack .      Being a deceiver gives him the art of twisting words in such a way as to confuse a person into believing and accepting whatever he wants them to believe.  “There is a way which seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death” Proverbs 14:12  

The American Dream versus Our Father’s Dream!

    We must change the attitudes, values and beliefs of this current generation and return to traditional values.  The Patriarchal family system that is foremost on the heart of Father God has at its core the mandate to be fruitful and multiply, taking care of and training our children in the way they should go.  Proverbs 22:6

    It is interesting that there is one demographic group that is at odds with the trend of ‘no’ children.  Those who have ‘faith’ have become increasingly motivated to have children.  Some argue that the reason Christianity became a dominant cultural force of the Western world was that Christians gradually out-bred and out-lived their pagan counterparts.  Even though the above study was compiled by “non-Christian demographers” it shows that when Christians embrace the Father’s heart, our families become the central most important thing in our lives.  Secondly we become healthier because our values and beliefs are in line with our Father’s.

    Our moral compass needs to change dramatically.  Of all the interviews done with the elderly lying upon their death beds not one of them has said that they wished they would have worked more hours or accumulated more things.  Almost every one of them wishes they would have spent more time with family, friends and enjoyed life more.  Instead of following the American Dream perhaps we should follow our Father’s Dream!   Genesis 1:28, “God blessed them and said to them. ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.’”  Let’s subdue the earth with the choices that are on the heart of Father God!

Next Month:

Part Three:  "What will the future be like?"

For further reading:
The Empty Cradle by Peter Longman
For DVD viewing:
Demographic Winter, the decline of the human family!

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