Friday, December 31, 2010

Why New Years Resolutions are so hard to keep!

     In Luke 9:23 Jesus said to his disciples, “Deny yourself…,” a seemingly easy thing to do but one in which I have found to be very difficult.  I believe it is the biggest issue that we face as Christians.   I realize that when Jesus says to “Deny yourself”  he is speaking of our will, the ultimate place where the final decisions are made that determine what type of person I am and sadly, shall remain if I do not change.  The ‘will’ is not a place where ‘choice’ resides for I have chosen many times to follow my New Year’s resolutions only to find myself not able to follow up on my decisions.  No, the ‘will’  is where the real ruler lives inside of me, where the real king resides, where all my decisions, plans and intents are either accepted or denied, it is the ruler of my soul, it is my ego, my king.  It is where the decisions are made that ultimately determine who I really am! 

Ultimately our choice comes down to our either “Denying ourselves” or “Denying Jesus” it has always been one or the other.  The battleground for this war is found within each one of us for the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of self are found within.  This brings about a civil war that wages within each one of us over who will rule.  Is it I or is it God, I fear many times it is I.
    How many times has our mind come to a conclusion only to have lost the battle on the field of our emotions?  For some reason I have felt that it is my emotions that hold the key to my victories.  But I believe we must all come to realize that there is something behind our emotions, something independent of them that really decides what we ultimately will do.  Whether we are having a good or bad day is often the result of how we are feeling emotionally.  We are all a composite of our emotions but our emotions are not who we really are.  I have come to the conclusion that if God is to have all of me He must take possession of that place where the final decisions are made, my will, my ego my very personality.  The old king must die and a new King must come and take possession, for as a man’s will is, so is the man. 

     It is a struggle we will face our entire Christian life and there will be times our feelings will tell us that we are not any closer to victory.  In fact the more we struggle against our ‘will’ the greater the battle seems to be.  Take for instance the favorite New Years resolution to go on a diet.  I know that I need to watch what I eat, so I am determined to loose weight.  I do my homework by studying several types of diets, the South Beach, Atkins or Weight Watchers and then decided that the South Beach Diet is the best.  But it failed because I felt that for some unexplained reason my heart just wasn’t in it.  We believe that if our heart is not in it then it just isn’t going to work.  That is why I have become convinced that the ’heart’ does not mean the ‘emotions,’ which is typically what we understand by the word heart, but it means the will, the personality of the man.  It is not the feelings of the man that God wants, but the man himself.

Each time we try and fail we feel like hypocrites declaring we will do something, which only our will alone can determine the outcome.  

    Our will is where all our decisions are made and during the fall when sin entered into man our will was handed over to the dominion of Satan and he has been working on it ever since to produce within us a life filled with misery, pain and ruin.  Didn’t God say, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—…Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  Romans 12:1-2

    The chief weapon the old king has in keeping us in a state of constant submission is discouragement.  Discouragement is Satan’s counterfeit humility and it produces an emotional response within us that drives us to despair.  True humility  can always bear to see itself as being utterly weak and foolish because it is not ruled by our emotions but finds its strength in being dependent on God alone.  Living on the feelings that come from our emotional responses to situations drives the soul deeper into discouragement.

Ours is to believe but it is God who does all the work!

    I have been asking of God how I may find victory over my will so that it falls into submission to His will and I believe He has led me to understand this simple truth.  I do not have the power to bring my will into submission anymore than I had the power to bring about my own salvation.  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

    When I accepted Jesus it was by faith, I said it and I believed it but I could no more make it a reality than if I tried to jump over the moon.  My faith was in the saving power of Jesus.  By faith I believed and He did the rest.  By faith I have been saved.  For my will to come into submission to His will it must be through that same principle.  Having faith to believe that He has the power to change me I must stop trying to do it through my own strength. 

    Perhaps it would be best if we understood that for our relationship with Father God to be restored there must be a relinquishment of the principle of self-ownership.  That we are not our own but bought with a price. (1 Corinthians 6:20) One day a few years ago I made a decision to give my life totally to him, without any reservations.  So I stood there and gathered all that there was of me, not withholding any part of me, and laid it upon the altar.  As I did this I also made a covenant with him that he could have all there was of me the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Afterwards I felt no change in my feelings, no wind from Heaven came and blew upon me nor did I hear the angels sing.  But I knew I was sincere in the intent of my heart, mind and soul. 

    But even knowing it is wrong to be led by my feelings, when uncertainty and doubt would come upon me, I would still at times go down that same old path that I so often journeyed in the past.  I wanted to believe that God was working a good work within me, to will and to do, but it was like I couldn’t help but fight the battle in my own strength, which always led me back into discouragement.

    It was then that I understood that the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10) had a legal case against me and I was trying to handle the case through my own strength.  That old adage, “He who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client,” came to my mind and the Holy Spirit reminded me that I needed a new lawyer and led me to my ‘advocate’ Jesus,  (1 John 2:1) The Holy Spirit told me to gather up every scrap of paper containing every accusation against me along with every argument I submitted in my defense, everything, and hand it over to Jesus.  And so I made a prophetic act of gathering everything up and I turned and handed it into the hands of Jesus.  He looked into my eyes and said this, “Do not answer any questions or receive any accusations from the accuser of the brethren.  You are to send him to me, from now on I will come to your defense and respond to all the accusations leveled against you.”

    I turned and said this to the accuser and my old nature as well, “This is my lawyer he has instructed me not to answer any further questions and you are to direct all questions to him.”  I turned and Jesus came and stood between me and the accuser and amazingly all the guilt and wavering disappeared and from that moment on I began to experience victory. (Proverbs 24:3-4)  Yes there were times the accuser brought it up to me but I quickly pointed toward Jesus, did not respond to him, and Satan finally left me alone.

A Resolution worth keeping!

    Even though the above illustration deals with a negative situation I have found that positive situations can be even more dangerous if it is not based out of  ‘His will.’  When things are going right it is easier to forget God, giving over even more authority to the old nature within.   When our thoughts, either old or new, negative or positive  come upon us we need to quickly give them over to God.  If I am to repent - I do so quickly, if to confess – I do it immediately! Then I believe that God is working it out within me and I no longer entertain the accusations of the enemy, because I know that the Lord is giving me a steady victory over sins which before would have kept me prisoner.

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  Galatians 2:20

    My friends, the Lord loves you.  He works with you.  May the Lord fill you with all His fullness and give you the mind of Christ.  Be faithful, walk before God in holiness and rest your soul fully upon the promise, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:8
All our love,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Part III, What will the future be like?

Volume 6 - Issue 100                                                                                          November, 2010

Dear Friend,           
Part III, What will the future be like?

    With fathers on the run and the family in disarray what does the future hold for our children?  Does the mindset of the Church need to be radically altered to come into line with what is central to the heart of our Father?  What are Satan’s plans to further destroy the family?  What can we do as Christians to change the course we are presently on?

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again’
there is nothing new under the sun.”  Ecclesiastes 1:9

History does repeat itself!

            A contributor to the Boston Quarterly Review in 1859 wrote the following;  “The family, in its old sense, is disappearing from our land, and not only our free institutions are threatened but the very existence of our society is endangered.”  Though written in response to the breakdown of the traditional morality that began in England and America in the mid-1700’s it could easily be applicable today.

            What was the state of our country at that time that would warrant such a response?  We would be surprised to see that prostitution and pornography flourished, divorce rates rose steadily and the percentage of children born out of wedlock soared, while saloons and taverns outnumbered churches in most cities.  By 1830 the consumption of alcohol was three times higher that it is today.  Even more startling was by 1860 20% of all pregnancies ended in abortion.

            It was during this time that poets like Shelley declared, “love is free,” Darwin, declared, “Man was an ape,” Nietzsche pronounced, “God is dead.”  Because of the silence of men, descent women responded in unison by rising up in what we now term, “The Victorian Age,” in response to the collapse of the family by crusading outside the home for the moral betterment of society.  Crusading against brothels, saloons, overcrowding tenements, and other threats to decency.  They believed that the home was not contained within the four walls of an individual house but the home encompassed the entire community.
Could it be that an old solution may become a new solution?

    By the late nineteenth century and into the twentieth century another trend began to re-emerge. The birthrate in the United States had fallen to 40% from what it had been a hundred years previously.  What was even more alarming was how pronounced the fallen birthrate had become in the white, Protestant middle class.  It was so drastic that colleges became very concerned over the low fertility rates of its graduating students.  In Bryn Mawr College between 1888 and 1906 the birthrate was just .037 children per graduate well below the 2.1 needed for replacement fertility levels.

    One would wonder if the population was even aware of this trend?  Surprisingly yes!  It led President Theodore Roosevelt to proceed on a campaign to convince the middle and upper class couples to have more children.  He used his “State of the Union Address” to chastise well-born women for practicing “willful sterility---the one sin for which the penalty is national death or race suicide.”

    But there were other views being expounded in what should be done to offset the falling birthrate.  A differing strategy for avoiding ‘race suicide’ came into vogue.  Since the well bred were falling behind in the number of children they produced, over those whom the progressives of the day called the ‘unfit,’ a new plan for dealing with the problem emerged.

    The leader of this group was Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood.  Sanger did not agree with President Roosevelt in his plan to convince the upper class to have more children, she decided it best to keep other people from reproducing.  After all why make it a burden for those who are obviously superior when one could limit the over-fertility of the mentally, physically defective and those who didn’t contribute significantly to society as a whole.

    Sanger wrote, “There are some who deplore this condition and would remedy it by abusive epithets hurled at this conscientious group of decent and responsible citizens, who would rather have only the number of children they can decently rear, than to enter a cradle competition with the irresponsible.  There is only one reply to a request for a higher birth rate among the intelligent, and that is to first take off the burdens of the insane and the blemished from your backs.  Sterilization for these is a remedy.”

    Sanger and her group called for the sterilization of the ‘feeble-minded, insane, criminals, epileptic, inebriate, diseased, blind, deaf, deformed, and dependent” which included orphans, bums, the homeless and the poor.  As incredible as this seems in just one state alone, Virginia — 8,300 individuals were sterilized.

    But there was another political movement who sent representatives over to study and eventually embrace Sanger’s views taking them to monstrous extremes.  Out of Germany and Italy came fascism which embraced breeding farms for the superior and concentration “death camps” for the unfit.  Though Sanger was not as openly monstrous she was strategic in placing her centers in poor and mostly black neighborhoods to exterminate what she deemed, the unfit.

“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”     Martin Luther King, Jr

What is happening today?

    Along with abortion another alarming trend has emerged within the past 50 years.  It is a trend called, “Gendercide” which is the extermination of over 100 million baby girls, and the toll is rising!  When we think of societies like China that promote a “one child policy” one would wonder why this would be a problem.  China, parts of India, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Caucasus, the western Balkans even subsets of America’s population have a high number of male births.  Many of these countries believe it is the responsibility of the male child to take care of the elderly parents.  So it is imperative that the one child be a male child!  Few realize that the desire for more males come with a very high price tag!

    These baby girls are the victims of a combination of ancient prejudice and modern preferences for smaller families.  An interesting result of a nation, which practices “gendercide,” is the growing number of frustrated single men.  In China alone during the past twenty years the crimes rate has almost doubled.  The cases of bride abduction, the trafficking of women, rape and prostitution are rapidly on the rise.  The result of “one child policy” is that 20% of all males will face life without the chance to ever marry and have a family.  The term used to describe them is, “barren branches.”  

Can we turn the tide?
    From the evidence presented it would look like the future looks bleak for children.  But if the church begins to “focus in on the family” as being the central issue on the heart of God we can dramatically turn the tide.  Satan has not slowed down in his desire to destroy the family.  We must continually seek God for his heart in all of our decisions concerning our present and future members of our families.  We must make sure our decisions are not based on the “god of personal convenience” but on what God’s will for our life is.

    Will the church/society return to more Victorian era values as we have done in the past?  Perhaps, but even more importantly we should not forget what  ‘Our Father” said to us in Genesis 1:28, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”  Happy families who hold to the principles of ‘Our Father in heaven’ and impart that lifestyle to others through a life lived for Christ, do more good than all the laws that have and will be passed. 

May God continue to bless and surround you with His love.

Further Reading:
The Empty Cradle by Peter Longman
The Economist, March, 2010 Edition

Part II, Father’s in alarming numbers, MIA “Missing In Action”

Volume 8 - Issue 99                                                                                                  October, 2010
Dear Friend,            
Part Two - Father’s in alarming  numbers, MIA “Missing In Action”

    In October’s Newsletter I wrote about Satan’s war on Fatherhood and the subsequent results of that war.  Secular sociologists have pointed to the 20th century as being the “most fatherless century in the history of mankind.”

    Satan’s hatred of Father God and his family has not decreased.  It is quite apparent that as Satan’s time grows short, he is intensifying his efforts to kill, maim and render useless all fathers.   This assault on “fatherhood” has left millions of men as “Missing In Action” when it comes to submitting to God as head of the family.  Statistics show us that 50% of children here in the United States live apart from their biological fathers and 30% do not even know whom their biological father is.  In South America the figure is close to 50% and in Africa it is closer to 60%.  In the African American community in Washington DC the rates are at par with Africa!  We are in an ultimate war against Satanic terrorism designed to completely annihilate what is most precious to Father God.

Where have all the children gone!

    But if there is an all out assault on father’s what has been the affects of this upon families around the world?  I was shocked the other day when I read that there are 70 countries in the world that are declining in replacement fertility or in other words are losing population!

    Replacement fertility is the number of childbirths a woman must have to replace the aging population.  Right now there is no industrialized nation that produces enough children to sustain its population over time.  If this trend continues, the family unit as we know it will cease to exist, and so will children.  Imagine going out to a restaurant, mall or anywhere for that matter and seeing an aging population like one would currently see in Florida.

    Take for instance Russia.  Russia is shrinking at a rate of 700,000 people per year.  Because of this, then President Putnin, instituted an aggressive agenda where the government would pay its citizens to have more children, $9,000 per child, $140/month or 40% of their salary to stay home and have children.  (That would compare to a working mother in the United States who makes $40,000/year being offered $16,000/year or $1,300/month per child to stay home and raise their children.)  It is surprising that even with this kind of monetary motivation the program is not working in Russia.

    But why wouldn’t this plan work?  Could it be that the complexity of our decisions we have made, especially throughout the past one hundred years, has led us to where we are today.  The mindsets that we have formed that have led us into this, anti-children, anti-family culture are not so easy to reverse.  Often we look at a problem as if it just “happened” and we fail to take the time to investigate the past so that we can uncover Satan’s strategy behind the event.  I have found that Satan is not that inventive,  especially since our life span is minuscule in comparison to his.  He doesn’t have to come up with a new plan when the old ones have worked so well. 

Satan’s Strategy

    Take for instance a quote by Polybius in 140 B.C. at the close of the reign of Greece as the worlds predominate power.  “In our time all Greece was visited by a dearth of children and general decay of population…This evil grew upon us rapidly, and without attracting attention, by our men becoming perverted to a passion for show and money and the pleasures of an idle life.”
    Caesar Augustus said this when he addressed the Roman nobility, “We liberate slaves chiefly for the purpose of making out of them as many citizens as possible; we give our allies a share in the government that our numbers may increase; yet you, Romans of original stock, including Quintii, Valerii, Lulli, are eager that your families and names at once shall perish with you.”

    The same demise that led the two leading nations of their day, Greece and Rome, is now facing our nation and other nations as well.  Germany could easily lose the equivalent of the current population of East Germany over the next half-century.  Japan’s population meanwhile is expected to fall by as much as one-third-a decline equivalent to that experienced in medieval Europe during the scourges of the plague.
Satan’s Plan

    Satan’s plan is to devalue the importance of the traditional family.  If we think about it we have heard endless discussions on the importance of why we should not have children but little on why we should have children.  It is apparent that Satan has succeeded on a global scale.  It is evident on television, movies, books and on the news that the family as a viable productive unit has little or no value in the world today.  A women who says she has no career outside the home in today’s society is to be pitied.   Instead she should be held to the highest place of honor for choosing that which if the closest to the heart of God.

    A hundred years ago in the United States approximately 75% to 80% of all households had children.  Every parent organized their lives around what was best for them.  In fact even the cultural messages that came into the home were based on how it would affect the children.  Currently in the United States approximately 32% of households have children and 68% of households do not have children.  

    Both men and women have fallen into the trap that Satan has laid.  If we remember the two attributes of Satan that stand out is that he is crafty and he is a deceiver. (Gen. 3:1, 3:13) To be crafty means that he is clever at achieving his aims by indirect methods and to be a deceiver means he has the ability to cause someone to believe something that is not true in order to gain a personal advantage.

    Satan has the ability to make something that is ultimately destructive seem good and honorable.  His craftiness enables him to know when, where and how to attack .      Being a deceiver gives him the art of twisting words in such a way as to confuse a person into believing and accepting whatever he wants them to believe.  “There is a way which seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death” Proverbs 14:12  

The American Dream versus Our Father’s Dream!

    We must change the attitudes, values and beliefs of this current generation and return to traditional values.  The Patriarchal family system that is foremost on the heart of Father God has at its core the mandate to be fruitful and multiply, taking care of and training our children in the way they should go.  Proverbs 22:6

    It is interesting that there is one demographic group that is at odds with the trend of ‘no’ children.  Those who have ‘faith’ have become increasingly motivated to have children.  Some argue that the reason Christianity became a dominant cultural force of the Western world was that Christians gradually out-bred and out-lived their pagan counterparts.  Even though the above study was compiled by “non-Christian demographers” it shows that when Christians embrace the Father’s heart, our families become the central most important thing in our lives.  Secondly we become healthier because our values and beliefs are in line with our Father’s.

    Our moral compass needs to change dramatically.  Of all the interviews done with the elderly lying upon their death beds not one of them has said that they wished they would have worked more hours or accumulated more things.  Almost every one of them wishes they would have spent more time with family, friends and enjoyed life more.  Instead of following the American Dream perhaps we should follow our Father’s Dream!   Genesis 1:28, “God blessed them and said to them. ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.’”  Let’s subdue the earth with the choices that are on the heart of Father God!

Next Month:

Part Three:  "What will the future be like?"

For further reading:
The Empty Cradle by Peter Longman
For DVD viewing:
Demographic Winter, the decline of the human family!

Part I, The Father and His Family!

Volume 8 - Issue 98                                                                                           September, 2010
Dear Friend,                                                 

The Father and His Family!
         In the beginning of my new life with Jesus as my Savior I was taught and mentored by an exceptional Bible teacher.   He taught me that the Bible is, “The story of a Father whose children were separated from him and the journey to bring them back home.”  Simple but profound!  From that ill-fated day in the Garden of Eden to the present Satan has done everything he can to destroy the family of God.  I would say that his main objective has always been to destroy the very thing Father God loves the most.  His children and the relationship he had with them.!

    After the fall Satan told Adam and Eve that their Father wanted nothing more to do with them because they were miserable failures and a total disappointment to Him.  Yet we know that is not true.  From the moment that Satan deceived them in the garden Father God had prepared a way home for his children.  In fact, the entire rest of the Bible is the story of that journey back home.  

The first Covenant and the Three Promises!

    In Genesis we see that God made three promises to Abraham and confirmed those promises by signing a contract with Abraham.  We call it a contract but in those days they called it a covenant.  This covenant was God’s promise that we would once again be reunited with him.  Genesis 15:9-21, 26:2-6

The first promise was that God would make Abraham into a mighty nation.  The second promise was that Abraham would possess the land on which he was walking.  And the third promise was that Abraham’s seed or offspring would bless the world.

    The first promise was fulfilled when the family of Abraham came out of Egypt.  They went into Egypt numbering under a hundred and came out in the millions.  A mighty nation!

    The second promise came when Joshua led the Israelite people into the promised land.  They then possessed the land upon which Abraham had been walking all those years previously.

    The third promise was fulfilled when Jesus was born.  He lived, died and rose again to establish a new covenant with us, his children.  The old covenant was the one established with Abraham and the new covenant has been established with us.

The Three Reformations and the Fourth that is to come!

    Now we come to an interesting point that I want to add in.  Since Jesus died and rose again we have had three reformations.  The first was with Martin Luther in 1517, the second with John Wesley in 1743 and the third with William Seymour in 1906.  

    Though there have been 40 distinct revival moves of the Spirit during the past 2000 years there have been only three reformations.  A reformation is distinct in that it revives not only the church but it awakens the culture to live in God’s precepts changing and shaping our society for the better.  

    The Reformation under Martin Luther came  approximately 1500 years after the New Covenant was established with us.  For the first three hundred years the church did well but once Emperor Constantine made Christianity the required religion of the day the church began to fall apart.  For the next 1200 years the church became lost, in fact historians refer to that 1200 years as the ‘dark ages.’  Why?  Because when the church lost its way the world became a very dark and dangerous place to live.  The church was lost because the word of God was lost.  The only Bible’s available were written in a dead language, Latin, which only a few priests and aristocrats could read and none of the commoners.  But when Martin Luther came along the word was once again brought out of darkness.  It was like someone found the book expounding on our ‘Family Tree,’ along with the promises that our Father in Heaven made to us.   We found out about Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  The word of God had once again been revealed to the family.

    The second Reformation under John Wesley, reintroduced to the church the personhood of Jesus.  Even after Martin Luther’s reformation only the priest could lead someone to Jesus.  But after John Wesley the common person could now tell people about Jesus and lead them in a prayer in which they could receive Jesus into their lives.   Jesus became accessible to anyone who called upon His name.

    The third Reformation under William Seymour reintroduced to the Church the personhood of the Holy Spirit.  Not some vapor but the third person of the trinity called the Holy Spirit.  The reality of the Holy Spirit in the believers life being made manifest in His love, gifts, guidance and power in increased measure.

    So we find that through Luther the word, which had been stolen and hidden away, has now been revealed.  Wesley brought forth a personal Jesus accessible to everyone while Seymour introduced us to the person of the Holy Spirit.  The Godhead is being reintroduced to the children so that we know whom it is we believe in.

Reintroduction of our Father God!

    That leaves one missing, Father God!  Probably no other place has the Father been reintroduced to us like it was in January of 1994 in Toronto, Canada.  The revival that was sparked in Toronto called the ‘Father’s Blessing’ has reintroduced the Father to the church in dramatic fashion.

    Interestingly, over the past fifty years the five-fold ministry has been reintroduced to the church as well.   The Evangelist in the 50’s, Pastor’s in the 60’s, Teacher’s in the 70’s, Prophets in the 80’s and Apostle’s in the 90’s.  The emerging apostolic movement coincides with the introduction of our Heavenly Father to the Church.  Which leads me to believe that there is about to be a fourth Reformation movement.  This reformation is all about the Father and His family and will affect society and its view on the importance of the family.

    Since the last Reformation we have witnessed two World Wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Iraqi and Afghanistan Wars.  42 million men have been killed in battle and 19 million civilians.  Numerous ethnic cleansings, genocides, famines and small wars, have accounted for another 8.3 million deaths.  As we look at these figures we realize that most of these were men.  But not all the deaths were on the battlefield.  Many of these men came home severely injured in some way.  Which has led many sociologists to proclaim the 20th century as being the most fatherless century in the history of mankind.

    Statistics show us that 50% of children live apart from their biological fathers.  Of those, 30% do not even know who their biological father is.  In South America the figure is close to 50% while in Africa it is closer to 60%.  Satan is just as intent on destroying our relationship with our earthly fathers as he is in erasing our relationship with our Heavenly Father.  

    I believe that coinciding with the revelation  of what it means to be totally accepted by our heavenly Father will be the return of true fathers here on earth.  This includes apostolic and family centered earthly fathers fulfilling the fatherhood God designed for them in the beginning.

    Satan has not stopped in his relentless rampage to not only erase all knowledge of our Father in Heaven but also any lineage that would point to him as being our Father.  He is also wiping out all vestiges of family here on earth on a scale unprecedented in the history of mankind.      Can the family survive without fathers?  

Next Issue:

    Satan’s plan revealed!  The Demographics on the Decline of the family!

“It’s happening in rich and poor’s 
happening throughout the Eastern and Western 
hemisphere.  North and South...Birthrates are 
plummeting throughout the world.”
Peter Longman, Senior Fellow New America Foundation